Shareholders equity and liabilities 2015 2014 (Restated)*
Equity (Note 15)
Shareholders' equity
Share capital 267,575 267,575
Share premium 338,728 338,728
Revaluation reserve 90,936 90,936
Retained earnings 4,397,862 5,114,332
Profit attributable to equity holders of the Parent (1,040,414) (389,168)
Total shareholders' equity 4,054,687 5,422,403
Adjustments for changes in value
Translation differences 762,724 444,644
Adjustments for value changes in hedge operations (511,054) (276,433)
Total adjustments for changes in value 251,670 168,211
Total equity attributable to shareholders of the parent 4,306,357 5,590,614
Non-controlling interests (Note 15.g)
Equity attributed to non-controlling interests 94,673 100,503
Profit attributed to non-controlling interests (6,834) 17,626
Total non-controlling interests 87,839 118,129
Total equity 4,394,196 5,708,743
Non-current liabilities
Bank borrowings (Note 16) 2,904,686 3,022,419
Other non-current liabilities (Note 16) 84,282 81,175
Deferred tax liabilities (Note 24) 304,365 1,997,333
Grants related to assets (Note 17) 47,068 65,216
Net employee defined benefit liabilities (Note 18) 8,487 10,879
Provisions (Note 19) 514,005 340,871
Other non-current liabilities (Note 20) 20,698 32,890
Total non-current liabilities 3,883,591 5,550,783
Current liabilities
Bank borrowings (Note 16) 1,146,650 1,266,129
Other financial liabilities (Note 16) 21,707 19,481
Trade and other payables (Note 20) 2,254,696 3,237,949
Current income tax liabilities 42,292 51,205
Other current liabilities 36,123 24,732
Liabilities held for sale and discontinued operations (Note 25) 67,900 -
Total current liabilities 3,569,368 4,599,496
Total equity and liabilities 11,847,155 15,859,022
The accompanying Notes 1 to 35 are an integral part of these Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. * Financial year 2014 has been restated for comparison purposes with financial year 2015.