MWh: Megawatt hour. Energy unit.

Mtoe: Millions tonnes of oil equivalent.

NOx: Nitrogen oxides.

UNE-EN ISO Standard: International regulation concerning Spain.

Off shore: Away from the coast or out to sea. Applies to activities performed at sea, such as the operation of oil plat- forms.

On shore: Along the coastline, on land. INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANI- SATION (ILO): internationally recog- nised United Nations body promoting social justice and human and labour rights.

Global Compact of the United Na- tions: Initiative aimed at disseminating among the private sector the assump- tion of commitments in terms of the environment, labour, the protection of human rights and the fight against co- rruption.

PIA: purified isophthalic acid for the manufacture of polyesters.

Sulphur plant: Treatment plant which recovers this product so that it may be controlled and marketed.

Pool: Wholesale electricity market. Market overseen by the operator Omel in which electricity is purchased and sold on a daily basis.

Prevention of occupational hazards: A series of activities aimed at preventing occupational accidents, which may be due to environmental conditions at the place of work, the physical nature of the work, job conditions or conditions

resulting from the organisational sys- tem of the work. Each occupational hazard has a related preventive plan to prevent it or to lessen its seriousness.

LETP: Liquid effluent treatment plant.

RBSA: Bioenergy Sustainability Stan- dard of Assurance.

Piezometric networks: These are used to find out the temporary evolutions of water potentials.

Risk assessment: Assessment of the probability of a risk occurring and study of its consequences for people, the environment and assets, with a view to its elimination or control.

ROP: Refining Optimisation Plan.

SO2: Sulphur dioxide. Seismic: Method for establishing the detailed underground rock structure by means of the detection and mea- surement of the impact of reflected acoustic waves on the different rock strata. It is used to locate structures which potentially contain crude oil or gas before drilling. Processing such data enables the generation of 3D images of the underground structures.

SEVESO: European Directive that re- quires the identification of risk indus- trial areas, the adoption of appropriate measures to prevent major accidents involving dangerous substances and the limitation of their consequences for people and the environment.

SIPA: Cepsa s Environmental Protec- tion System.

Solomon: index that measures effi- ciency in refining created by consul-

tants Solomon Associates.

Shale Oil: Unconventional oil produced from oil shale via pyrolysis, hydrogena- tion or thermal dissolution.

tm: metric tonne.

Waste recovery: Any procedure that enables the use of the resources con- tained in waste.

VCMO (Value Chain Margin Optimiza- tion): global optimisation project which seeks business opportunities within Cepsa.

Working interest: Total share of pro- duction, calculated before applying contractual terms, when Production- Sharing Contracts are involved.