SPAIN We implement various initiatives from our corporate headquarters and in the areas around our industrial sites. These include the Social Value Awards, as well as activities involving our professionals such as the Give and Gain Day, sports events like the Trail Soli- dario in Anaga (Tenerife) and awareness-raising and environmental conservation initiatives such as the Cuidado del Entorno (care for the environment) con- ference. We also highlight the work carried out at our university scholarships, where we promote education and research through training programmes, scholar- ships and awards. In addition, we support campaigns for blood donation and donations of clothing, food, toys and Christmas gifts, by our professionals.

PORTUGAL Our professionals are actively involved in campaigns to collect food and clothing as well as in development initiatives in their community, such as the community bakery recovery project (Meca).

KENYA We carry out actions focused on promoting access to water, health and education. Among these actions, this year outstans the Surgery in Turkana project.

THAILAND There are various initiatives aimed at improving life quality in our surrounding communities. Among other prpjects, the following must be highlighted: the Or- ganic Agriculture projects, the reforestation project and our collaboration with the Songkhla Lake marine life and mangrove conservation group. We also pro- mote education through scholarships and cultural ac- tivities to keep traditions alive.