CHAPTER 8 Further information Glossary



AENOR: Asociación Española de Nor- malización y Certificación (Spanish Standardisation and Certification Association).

AUDELCO: Organisation specialising in management systems audit and certi- fication.

Barrel: Measure of volume equivalent to 159 litres.

Biofuel: Fuel from vegetable oil.

BREF: Reference documents concer- ning best available techniques.

Catalyst: Substance capable of in- creasing the speed of a chemical reac- tion without itself being modified, as opposed to a reagent, which is modified during the reaction.

CDP: Carbon Disclosure Project.

Combined cycle: Energy generation system which combines a gas turbine cycle with a steam turbine cycle to ob- tain a greater output with a lower envi- ronmental impact.

CH4: methane.

CO2: carbon dioxide.

CO2 equivalent: greenhouse gases equivalent to CO2.

Cogeneration: Energy generation sys- tem which simultaneously produces heat and electricity.

COSO ERM: Integrated Risk Manage- ment System.

Cracking: This involves breaking up or splitting high molecular weight hydro-

carbons (fuels such as diesel oil and fuel oil) into lower molecular weight compounds (naphthas).

CROP: Continuous Refining Optimiza- tion Programme.

Emission rights: Permits or credits awarded to organisations which ena- ble them to fulfil the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol and which can subse- quently be sold in a regulated market.

Effluent: Liquid waste which is usually discharged as a result of the various processes at a productive plant.

EFR: Empresa Familiarmente respon- sable (Family Responsible Company).

EFQM: European Foundation for Qua- lity Management.

ELASTER: Cepsa s new bitumen range.

EOR: Enhanced Oil Recovery.

FEIQUE: Federación Empresarial de la Industria Química Española (Spanish Chemicals Industry Business Federa- tion).

GJ: Gigajoule (1 billion joules). The joule is the International System unit of work, which is equivalent to the work done by a force of one Newton acting over a distance of one metre in the direction of the force.

GW: Gigawatt (1 billion watts.) The watt is the unit of power in the Interna- tional System produced by a potential difference of 1 volt and an electric cu- rrent of 1 ampere (1 volt-ampere).

Hydroskimming: A refinery with a configuration that only includes disti-

llation, reformation and some hydro- treatment.

Furnaces: Plant equipment that pro- vides the heat required to manufacture products.

AFR: Accident Frequency Rate. Num- ber of fatal and disabling accidents per million man-hours worked.

ISO: International Standards Organisa- tion.

ISO 9001: Certifiable quality manage- ment standard.

ISO 14001: Certifiable environmental management standard.

ISO 14001: Certifiable environmental management standard.

ISO 14064: standard that verifies re- ports on Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

ISO 50001: Certifiable energy ma- nagement standard.

ISO 31000: Certifiable risk manage- ment standard.

IMAS: (Installations, Environment, Customer Service and Safety).

IWH: Increased Water Handling.

LAB Linear alkyl benzene, the most common raw material in the produc- tion of biodegradable detergents.

LAS: linear alkyl benzene sulfonate.

Mbd: million barrels per day.

MSAR: alternative marine fuel.