CHAPTER 2 Who we are Our activities

OUR ACTIVITIES We are an integrated company ope- rating across the entire oil gas and oil production chain, from exploration and

production to distribution and sale of final products.


We are involved in oil and natural gas exploration, development and produc- tion, both onshore and offshore. Our ex- ploration business is located in Spain,

South America, Middle East, Africa and South-east Asia, with a petroleum production capacity of over 100,000 barrels per day.

REFINING Our refining activity is centred on Spain, with three refineries. Our total refining capacity is 27 million tonnes

per year, 34% of total installed capa- city in Spain.

PETROCHEMICALS We manufacture and sell basic and de- rivative chemical products. We carry out basic petrochemical activities at the refineries, obtaining raw materials, in- termediate products and final products.

The derivative petrochemical activ- ity is carried out through six plants in Spain, Germany, Canada, Brazil and China, in addition to a new plant being

constructed in Indonesia. Manufac- tured products have numerous appli- cations, such as raw materials for pro- duction of detergents, for the polyester industry, and for the manufacture of resins, electronic components, insecti- cides, synthetic fibres and pharmaceu- ticals, among others.