CHAPTER 7 Cepsa and the environment Waste · Soil · Biodiversity

In addition, all countries where we operate are signatories to the Interna- tional Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). Our refineries and logistic supply terminals for ships in the Canary Islands have

authorised treatment plants to receive waste from ships for treatment. Du- ring 2015 we have processed 77,069 tonnes of MARPOL waste at these fa- cilities.

2015 2014 2013 Hazardous waste 51,593 54,110 35,980

Non-hazardous waste 25,483 28,754 35,287

Total 77,076 82,864 71,267

Waste produced (Tonnes)

Soil protection at our facilities is based on the implementation of preventive actions, first to avoid leaks and spills in unprepared areas and also to have in place early warning mechanisms and internal control procedures, to detect any such leakage as soon as possible, in order to take appropriate actions to prevent contamination.

Preventive actions are carried out from the design and construction stage of new facilities or changes made to e- xisting facilities. We also have inspec- tion and maintenance programmes, as well as plans and campaigns for moni- toring soil and groundwater quality using the piezometric networks installed for this purpose.


We recognize the importance of pro- tecting biodiversity and therefore we conserve the natural environment and its wealth through various initiatives, the most relevant being: Restoration of habitats in areas

in which we operate, recovery of degraded ecosystems and their conservation, reconciling their use and enjoyment.

Raising environmental awareness and training through activities aimed at schools, associations, stakeholders and the community in general, in areas close to our production facilities.

Knowledge building and aware- ness raising in local communities concerning the benefits of con- serving natural wealth.