We study the energy efficiency ratio as a more significant performance in- dicator for our operations in terms of energy consumption. This indicator relates trends in energy consumption to the volume of activity in each busi- ness unit. For Exploration and Produc- tion we use crude oil and natural gas production, for Refining we take the quantity of crude oil processed as a reference, and for Petrochemicals, the output of each plant.
In Refining, the energy efficiency ra- tio improved by 2.8% compared to 2014, due to improvements in energy efficiency at the refining plants. In E&P the ratio figure does not relate to ener- gy efficiency due to the disparity in its activities (seismic, drilling, production) with different typical consumption le- vels. However, energy consumption per production unit in E&P has lowered in 2015.
Energy efficiency of direct energy
2015 2014 2013 Exploration and production (GJ/tonne produced) 1.13 1.16 0.63
Refining (GJ/tonne processed) 2.61 2.68 3.05
Petrochemicals (GJ/tonne produced) 3.74 3.73 3.96
(2) The data reported in this section include information from the Guadarranque plant and 5 months for the Montreal plant.