Cepsa s activities include the intake and discharge of products and raw materials at its facilities. A major part of these operations involves loading and unloa- ding materials in bulk at the refineries and maritime facilities. Fuel supply manoeuvres also take place at these maritime facilities. We therefore take particular care over our impacts on sea water, and to this end we are constantly developing actions and projects.
During 2015 we conducted an evalua- tion of critical points and an analysis of environmental risks at our marine fa- cilities, continuing the risk analysis of all Cepsa terminals launched in 2012.
In November we also carried out a General Marine Pollution Simulation at the port of Melilla, where we checked the effectiveness of the response pro- tocols established in the Internal Mari- time Plan for the installation, as well as the resources used and coordina- tion with the various agencies involved.
We have also continued with our R&D projects in collaboration with leading research groups, which are aimed at the prevention, early detection and efficient fight against marine pollution.
ATHENEA PROJECT Tool for predicting the trajectory of spills in real time, operating in safe conditions and environmental risk analysis at the offshore facilities.
AUV PROJECT Development of an autonomous submarine to detect leaks in underwater pipelines.
DECFO PROJECT Early pollutant detection system using fibre optic at Cepsa s offshore facilities.
SAVEMAR PROJECT Autonomous navigation system for rapid deployment of spill containment barriers in the vicinity of our maritime facilities.
Waste generation is inherent to our ac- tivity and therefore we are constantly implementing measures to ensure its adequate environmental manage- ment.
For another year we have continued to work with the aim of applying a hierarchy in waste management at our production centres, that is, firstly mini- mizing the amount and hazar-dousness
of the waste generated (prevention), reusing recyclable products extracted from the waste, recycling any waste materials that can be transformed into other products and recovering any possible materials for energy purposes. When these forms of ma- nagement cannot be applied, waste is managed through authorised waste managers.
(9) The data reported in this section include information from the Guadarranque plant and 5 months for the Montreal plant.