With a view to creating a report inclu- ding both financial and non-financial in- formation, setting out clearly our way of creating value, in 2013 we began a pro- cess to gradually bring our Annual and Corporate Responsibility Report into line with the International Integrated Reporting Framework of the IIRC (Inter- national Integrated Reporting Council). To this end, we designed a road map on which we planned a number of actions to be carried out for the next years. This year we have continued the implemen- tation of the actions planned in the road map, and improved those already im- plemented in previous years.
We have made progress with respect to the identification of the risks to which are exposed, and have drawn up a cor- porate risk map. We have also improved the information provided on the rela- tionship between those risks and our business model and corporate stra- tegy, associating them to the current and forecast socio-economic context in which we operate.
We have made further progress on the information provided on our governing bodies, particularly focusing on the activities in 2015 (composition of the governing bodies, meetings held, tasks performed and decisions taken).
In 2015 we have made a major effort to simplify the report, seeking a more visual and schematic approach to make the information more attractive. This new report enables us to focus on the existing internal resources and tools which support the information set out. It is further proof of the spirit of conti- nuous improvement which characte- rises our organisation.
In the next few years we will continue to progress until we have a report in line with all the requirements of the IIRC, enabling all our stakeholders to form an overall, integrated picture of the Com- pany s management of its business in all areas.
The information included in this Annual and Corporate Responsibility Report for 2015 refers to all the activities ca- rried out by Cepsa as an energy com- pany that performs its activity in all phases of the hydrocarbon value chain.
This report contains information on Cepsa corresponding to the period from 1 January to 31 December 2015 and the comparative information for
the corresponding periods of 2014 and 2013 for certain indicators for purpo- ses of comparison and to provide the reader with the evolution over time of the data set out in the Annual Report.
The Cepsa figures shown in this Annual and Corporate Responsibility Report are consolidated and relate to the Company as a whole, although there are particularities in some chapters.