The scope of the non-financial information encompasses the companies controlled by Cepsa that are fully or proportionately consolidated.
This scope includes companies that have personnel expenses and those that have production, storage or marketing facilities.
This 2021 Integrated Management Report therefore provides consolidated information on the entire Cepsa Group in relation to impacts and performance in economic, environmental and social aspects of our activities, as well as all the additional information necessary to facilitate understanding of the results and trends.
Should any of the data included in the report have a different scope to that indicated in the previous paragraph, the specific scope is reflected in the relevant chapter and in the GRI, SASB and NFS table. Similarly, quantitative data from previous years that have been recalculated or changed will be identified in the corresponding chapter in the interests of comparability.
The standards contained in the GRI Guidelines require organisations reporting in accordance with GRI requirements to conduct a materiality analysis to help them determine the content to be included. This requirement is also applicable to the Non-Financial Reporting Statement (NFS) prepared by companies that come under Law 11/2018, as is the case of Cepsa.
We regularly conduct materiality analyses in which we identify and analyse the importance of material sustainability issues for us and our stakeholders.
The materiality analysis methodology is entirely data-driven. Surveys, benchmark studies of industry companies, analyses of mandatory and voluntary regulations, and news and publications in social media have been used to rank the issues in terms of importance for our previously identified and segmented stakeholders. To gauge internal relevance, we have analysed our corporate policies, the 2020 Integrated Management Report, our priority Sustainable Development Goals and our public communication in the last two years.
The materiality analysis allows us to determine the most relevant issues for the company and its stakeholders, which have been structured into critical, very relevant and relevant. The findings of the materiality analysis are available in the 2021 Materiality Analysis section of chapter 2.6 Stakeholders.