CHAPTER 6 Additional content
4.3.2 Management model ATTRACTING TALENT
We offer different programmes for university and Dual Vocational Training students and recent graduates:
· Vocational education and training scholarships: we offer an internship plan tailored to the needs of young people with the support and advice of employment tutors.
· Challenging U: we give recent graduates the opportunity to start their professional experience at Cepsa, accompanied by a training programme. In the 2021 edition, we have encouraged the inclusion of considerable female talent, as well as talent with different abilities.
· Welcome U and Developing U: we provide, respectively, curricular internships for students and the opportunity to carry out their bachelor's or master's degree projects.
The 'Agreement for the Sustainability of the Industry' between Cepsa and the workers' representatives of our refineries and chemical plants, signed in 2018 and running to 2021, includes a commitment to promote and support training actions to upskill the local workforces, foster industrial Dual Vocational Training and favour, as far as possible, jobs for people in the local communities where Cepsa s industrial facilities are located.
Cepsa arranges its working conditions in such a way as to adapt them as best as possible to the particularities of the activity and the business, as well as to the needs of our professionals and always in strict compliance with prevailing legislation.
Work time is a particularly important aspect of working conditions. Depending on the activity, work is undertaken in shifts or normal working days.
Collective bargaining agreements set out the different work time schemes, annual working hours, timetables, types of service, working methods and, where applicable, compensation systems. They also stipulate work calendars, cycles, holidays and leave.
In the industrial and service station sectors, the predominant approach is shift work with different sequences and rotation cycles. A flextime approach is applied to corporate areas and commercial activities.
At Cepsa we are committed through our 'Code of Ethics and Conduct' to work in accordance with international standards and frameworks such as the ILO's 'Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work'.
Region Under 30 years Between 30 and 50 years Over 50 years
Total Women Men Women Men Women Men
Africa1 0 1 0 2 0 0 3
America2 0 5 7 7 0 1 20
Asia3 4 3 2 4 0 0 13
Spain 489 535 861 571 159 120 2,735
Rest of Europe4 58 68 49 40 14 7 236
Total 551 612 919 624 173 128 3,007
1 Algeria. 2 Brazil, Canada, Colombia, United States, Mexico, Peru. 3 China, USA, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand. 4 Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom.