Name of initiative Country Developers Description of the initiative and associated impact
Psychosocial support for people affected by La Palma volcano (Canary Islands)
Spain Fundación Cepsa
Collaboration with the Red Cross to provide psychological and emotional support for families affected by the eruption of the volcano on La Palma in the form of individual therapy and group sessions.
Social Value Awards with a focus on Sustainability
Brazil, Colombia, Spain and Portugal
Fundación Cepsa
We have included a new judging criterion in the Social Value Awards for projects that contribute to the ecological transition. We have also increased the prize money up to a maximum of 15,000 for each winning project.
Voluntas distance volunteering programme Spain
Fundación Cepsa
We have strengthened distance volunteering through two initiatives: weekly telephone support for the elderly in collaboration with the organisation Adopta un Abuelo (Adopt a Grandparent), and support in the search for employment for young people at risk of exclusion in association with the Iter Foundation.
Productive projects with farming communities Colombia
Fundación Cepsa
We have worked with 140 families, advising them on agroecology, farming technologies and the preparation family livelihood plans so they are able to undertake sustainable agricultural projects.
Soup kitchens Algeria Fundación Cepsa We have donated food to soup kitchens in the city of Hassi Messaoud in collaboration with the Inshane Association.
Improvement of community infrastructures Peru
Fundación Cepsa
We have supported the 'Glass of Milk Programme and the Macuya municipal headquarters to improve living conditions through water and waste management services. We have also supported the Santa Rosa de Pata school by donating construction materials to repair classrooms damaged by hurricane winds, building bridges in the local area, such as the San Pedro de Alto Macuya bridge, and donating construction materials to improve the local sewage system in the Caserío Primavera community.
Summer Plan: improvements to local roads
Peru Cepsa
The town of Macuya and annexed districts and sectors, and the Los Ángeles hamlet, both within the Tournavista municipality and near to our E&P Ucayali asset, have safe transit issues due to the precarious state of their local roads. During the rainy season, the inhabitants have problems accessing public services, food and local markets where they sell their agricultural produce, among other issues. In 2021, Cepsa launched the 'Summer Plan' initiative in the context of the dialogue initiated in July 2021 by the National Government and the authorities involved in developing Macuya. This initiative consists of gravelling local roads to benefit eight districts annexed to Macuya and the Los Ángeles hamlet. The main objective is to improve vehicle traffic on the local roads throughout the year, allowing the continuous selling of agricultural and livestock products, so as to revitalise the local economy.