Atmospheric emissions
To monitor and reduce non-GHG emissions (gases with no greenhouse effect potential) into the atmosphere, we have an action system based on the continuous control of these emissions at our main production facilities.
Thanks to monitoring, self-monitoring mechanisms and external measures implemented through a Collaborating Entity for Environ- mental Quality (ECCA), we have detailed knowledge of our main emissions, mainly NOx, SO2 and particulates.
In the organic chemical industry, we have improved combustion processes, fostering the use of cleaner technologies and implemen- ting abatement systems that have reduced emissions of VOCs, methanol, CO and NOx. .
MEASURES TO REDUCE NON-GHG EMISSIONS Electrification of Exploration and Production facilities in Algeria.
Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) campaign to measure and control diffuse emissions at the San Roque Biodiesel Plant (Spain).
Implementation of variable frequency drives in cooling towers to reduce electricity consumption at the Palos Chemical Plant (Spain).
1 The continuous measurement method was used to obtain the data. 2 Since 2019, the Exploration and Production business has used AP-42, Fifth edition Compilation of Air Pollutant Emissions Factors for non-GHG emissions, unlike
previous years, which has led to changes in the data in relation to 2018 figures. 3 Recalculated, including cogeneration emissions from the Guadarranque Chemical Plant. 4 The Puente Mayorga Chemical Plant changes its calculation methodology and NO increases considerably.
NOx emissions 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Refining (tonne) 1 2,031 2,052 2,8513 3,747 3,600
Chemicals (tonne) 1 782 7644 635 745 812
Exploration and Production (tonne) 2 5,455 6,237 8,155 3,603 3,923
SOx emissions 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Refining (tonne) 1 4,417 4,036 5,0593 5,250 5,982
Chemicals (tonne) 1 21 29 27 24 21
Exploration and Production (tonne) 2 15 14 15 45 114
VOC emissions 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Refining (tonne) 1 205 225 265 227 283
Chemicals (tonne) 1 608 651 665 621 632
Exploration and Production (tonne) 2 537 918 1,599 547 375
Particulate emission 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Refining (tonne) 1 261 186 3303 274 245
Chemicals (tonne) 1 9 10 9 7 10
Exploration and Production (tonne) 2 220 242 303 51 57