MATERIALITY ANALYSIS 2021 In 2021, we have prepared a new materiality analysis considering the main stakeholder trends and expectations, the findings being the basis for the contents of this report.
Social Commitment
Human Rights
Water Resource Management
Good Governance
Innovation, Technology & Digitalisation
Circular Economy
Environmental Impact & Natural Capital
Climate & Energy Transition Strategy
Long-term Business Sustainability
Product Quality & Customer Satisfaction
Sustainable Supply Chain
+Internal relevance of the material issue
Ex te
rn al
re le
va nc
e of
th e
m at
er ia
l i ss
Ethics & Compliance
Talent Management
2.6.1 Institutional relations As regards to the Agenda 20301, Cepsa has an annual institutional relations plan allowing us to play a proactive role in the public debate, bolster stakeholder relationships and meet expectations.
The plan includes information initiatives so all our stakeholders can keep abreast of the industry s role and Cepsa's activities undertaken in the interests of an ecological, fair and inclusive transition.
Our institutional activity is complemented by engagement with industry associations whose mission is to promote sustainable contributions to economic and social development. This allows us to use our knowledge to promote studies of interest and drive industry awareness and participation in the ecological transition.
We also take part in various social and environmental think tanks, initiatives or entities working to design and foster industry best practices and policies, collaboration, sustainable development and transparency. The 2021 spending for actions of this kind amounted to 2,157,113.
Involvement with initiatives and entities
APPENDIX 1. About this report
Diversity & Equal
Zero Routine Flaring
1 Agreement promoted in 2015 by the United Nations and supported by member states that pledge to work towards social inclusion, environmental protection, and sustainable economic growth.