SASB EM-EP-140a.1 SASB RT-CH-140a.1 EM-RM-140a.1
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Exploration and Production
Water extracted from freshwater sources 873 17,560 18,774 18,233 17,093
Water consumed 501 372 411 278 352
Water abstracted from sites with high or extremely high initial water stress - - - - -
Percentage of water abstracted with water stress versus total abstraction - - - - -
Water consumed on sites with high or extremely high initial water stress - - - - -
Percentage of water consumed with water stress versus total consumed - - - - -
Water extracted from freshwater sources 4,753 4,587 4,815 4,876 4,782
Water recycled 116.48 123.09 121.9 78.03 -
Water consumed 2,938 2,728 3,015 2,910 3,268
Water abstracted from sites with high or extremely high initial water stress 2,441 2,377 2,553 2,685 2,846
Percentage of water abstracted with water stress versus total abstraction 51.35 51.82 53.03 55.07 59.52
Water consumed on sites with high or extremely high initial water stress 1,029 1,056 1,375 1,366 1,836
Percentage of water consumed with water stress versus total consumed 35.03 38.72 45.63 46.94 56.19
Water extracted from freshwater sources 12,222.802 12,183 13,121 12,562 11,606
Water recycled 1929.39 1900.46 1,651.73 1981.74 -
Percentage of water recycled 15.79 15.59 12.59 15.78 -
Water abstracted from sites with high or extremely high initial water stress 12,540 12,536 13,794 13,609 12,173
Percentage of water abstracted with water stress versus total abstraction 102.59 102.89 105.13 108.34 104.88
Water consumed on sites with high or extremely high initial water stress 5,401 5,174 6,058 5,085 4,544
Percentage of water consumed with water stress versus total consumed 5,401 5,174 6,058 5,085 4,544
* These data include estimates for the last month of the year. The criterion used to report water stress under SASB differs from the GRI standard. This table may there- fore differ from other water stress data reported.
** Distribution and Marketing only includes Cepsa BionergĂa San Roque.