2.9.1 Good governance Cepsa's corporate governance model ensures compliance with strict principles of ethics, integrity and transparency. It is in line with reference standards, such as the 'Good Governance Code of Listed Companies' in Spain, as well as with international best practices.
We have reviewed our regulatory system in depth, including the Code of Ethics and Conduct and our corporate policies developing the principles of our governance model and setting out behavioural guidelines. In 2021, we updated and renewed our policy architecture under a framework of environmental, social and governance criteria reflecting the latest regulations applicable to our businesses.
Our new 'Sustainability Policy' responds to the latest social, energy and climate challenges and is cross-cutting and inclusive, setting out the principles on which all our other policies are based.
Our policy framework is structured as follows:
1. Strategic mission and regulatory framework
Bylaws, Purposes and Values
Code of Ethics
Environment HSEQ Climate action Biodiversity
Social Human rights Human resources Diversity and inclusion Responsible
and sustainable procurement
Customer relations
Corporate Data protection and privacy Protection of fair and effective
competition in markets Prevention of bribery,
corruption and conflicts of interest
Taxes Third-party due diligence Ethics and Compliance
Channel Crime prevention Cybersecurity Binding parties Security
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Sustainability Policy
2. Compliance
3. Policies
Governing bodies
Our main governing bodies are the General Shareholders Meeting, the Board of Directors and three Board Advisory Committees.
The General Shareholders Meeting comprises the company s shareholders on the basis of their ownership interests. It is the highest governing body together with the Board of Directors.