We market products and services. We are among the leading operators in Spain and Portugal and we compete directly with a broad range of players in the market, from large multinationals to small local operators focused on specific products. We also have a wide network of agents, distributors and transport companies giving us access to all customer types in any location and allowing us to adapt volumes to the needs of our customers at any given time.
Through three channels, we market automotive fuels, aviation fuels, bitumen, lubricants and liquefied petroleum gases. We supply fuels to ships in the main Spanish ports, through our Bunker business, in which we are leaders. We also have companies engaged in aircraft fuelling (intoplane) services and a large range of professional transport services.
Our products and services are tailored to the different needs and realities of our customers through a process of innovation and continuous improvement, making us a benchmark in quality and technological development in many countries. We are prioritising the digitalisation of our industrial, administrative and customer relationship processes as the cornerstone of our future business strategy. Our extensive network of facilities in Spain and Portugal allows us to provide the necessary capillarity for our customers business development, our priority being to build loyalty and long-term commercial relationships by meeting and transforming our customers mobility needs.
We operate through our own brands in all business segments. The Cepsa (Spain, Portugal and Morocco) and Red Energy (Mexico) brands, together with our Depaso convenience store franchise, lead our presence in service stations, where we also have third-party franchises that bring a differential and complementary value to our brands. In this commercial segment, we also have the Optima brand, comprising higher quality, more efficient automotive petrol and diesel fuels. In the professional transport and fleet segment, we have the StarRessa card, a market benchmark offering a wide range of services to our customers (fuel, tolls, ferries, insurance, etc.). We also have our loyalty card and programme "Porque TU Vuelves (Because you return), focused on giving our customers discounts and advantages every time they refuel or buy products or services at a Cepsa service station.
We are the benchmark brand in the marketing of most of our products in the Direct Sales, LPG and Aviation channels, where we also have distinctive products, such as Rendimiento or Agromax, to enhance efficiency. In Lubricants and Asphalts, we have a wide range of products and brands serving all needs and market segments. Examples are XStar, Platinum, Genuine, Ertoil in Lubricants, and Elaster, Cepsasfalt, Flexodur in Asphalts.
Our Bunker business supplies marine fuels to ships via pipelines (dockside), tankers or barges, observing the highest safety and quality standards. We have a broad range of light and heavy products in all ports, with low sulphur emissions. Our main objective is to provide our customers with the best service based on three fundamental pillars: safety, quality and a quantity commitment (flowmeters on tankers).
Future business trends in the Distribution and Marketing of products and services will largely depend on our ability to adapt our production processes, products, services and relationships with customers and suppliers to new needs related to decarbonisation and the energy transition, which are already shaping, and will mark even more in the coming years, the path to be followed by the main market operators.
In this respect, Cepsa wants to position itself as a leading group in this transition, so we have reorganised our Marketing and Distribution business, which will now be structured into two main lines: Mobility & New Commerce, leading and transforming our customers' mobility experience, and the newly created Commercial & Clean Energies, which will serve all other customer sectors and develop decarbonisation solutions for our customers.