Cepsa has taken on the objective of reaching 3% of people with different abilities among its own staff and external contracted personnel by 2025.
We are firmly committed to the adaptation of workplaces and accessibility to our facilities in order to make it easier for people with different abilities to access their workplaces and perform their professional duties.
We also have care plans for the families of workers with children with different abilities, through which we promote measures and actions for their social, economic and employment integration.
2.8.3 Remuneration
Remuneration policies and processes are designed to support our strategy and to foster short- and long-term employee engage- ment.
These policies are adapted to different levels to reward employees appropriately according to their responsibility, performance and achievement of objectives.
They take into account criteria such as internal equity and external competitiveness, motivation and commitment to the company's values, sustainability and contribution to the achievement of business objectives. These criteria are reviewed periodically in order to update and adapt the remuneration schemes to the company s context and reality.
In 2021, we have established pay records, as required by the applicable regulations, which have enabled us to analyse and monitor the existing pay gap. The company has set aside a special budget to reduce the gap for groups excluded from the collective bargai- ning agreement.
We want to continue to improve in the LGBTI field, ensuring that people can be seen as they are in the workplace, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, fostering a safe environment for all.