CHAPTER 2 A future-proof company
After pioneering in the elimination of additives with lead content in fuel formulations, we have continued promoting the use of components from renewable sources.
Similarly, after investing to adapt our production processes and using innovative technologies, the content of substances such as benzene and sulphur in our fuels is kept at very low levels.
Moreover, Cepsa has been the first European company producing biofuels by means of co-processing in 2011. This achievement was possible after several years of research and development in vegetable oil raw materials treatment and processing. Nowadays Cepsa produces more than 100 kta of biofuels by co-processing.
Cepsa deploys a 3600 collaboration strategy with external partners to undertake innovative projects at various levels.
More than 80 Non-Disclosure Agreements were signed in 2021 with different partners (International Research Centres, Startups, Technology Licensors and Corporations, among others) to study new innovative projects.
In 2021, the Cepsa Research Center participated in five different proposals on Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU), and solar fuels and plastic waste valorisation, submitted to the Horizon Europe Program.
Two more projects on solar fuels and optimisation of chemical processes with Cepsa as a participant were funded at the national level.
2.5.2 Digital transformation
We are immersed in a digital transformation process with the aim of becoming a data driven and agile delivery company to facilitate data-driven decision-making by extracting the greatest possible value and using new methods and ways of working that enable innovation processes, continuous improvement, and effective and efficient operations and production processes.
Thanks to digitalisation, we can expand our business, enter new markets and become more competitive in our existing markets.